Subject: Guys, can we calm down a bit?
Posted on: 2013-11-20 09:59:00 UTC

Now, I know I'm hardly a board regular- my post career here is minimal to say the least. And these days, I look at the board and I see new people, and my lawn chair cane combo starts to look pretty good right now.

However, I'd like to remind y'all of a pretty basic thing that I think has been forgotten by some of our more excitable members. Aelin and company? They're just kids. At the time that these wikias were made, they were like, 13-14ish, and maybe now are 15 at the most.

Yes, Plagiarism is wrong. No quibbles about that, but namecalling? These are kids with a bad idea and had the ability to execute it, not Sauron and the gorram ring wraiths.

I can understand getting all upset and flail-y because this is our stuff being stolen, and our stuff being plastered without care for our efforts, BUT.

They are still people.

We are still people.

Stuff like this? This is stuff we get called out on, next time someone decides to paint our community with a less than kind brush. This is the kind of stuff that makes us look, as a community of writers and readers, pretty bad.

And you know what? Unless this kind of thread goes completely uncontested? They're totally right to go after us for this. I'm not saying be Happy or Super Duper Ally Ooper Cheerful that our stuff got ganked. I'm saying be civil.

Alright? While yes, article 27 of the PPC Constitution is important, Article 2 is as well. Righteous Anger =/= name calling that can lead to bullying.

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