Subject: My two cents.
Posted on: 2014-11-04 11:11:00 UTC

This might be foolish of me to reply to this fracas but I think this needs to be said. First, using ones immaturity is not really an excuse for ones actions. I know that younger people, and older for that matter, can be rather foolish but there is a cut-off point and from what I saw you passed it. Second, time does not cure immaturity if it did we wouldn't have some of the problems that are around today. Now, I know many people have many definitions of maturity but in my eyes to truly mature one has to constantly reflect on ones actions past, present and future. All things considered in ten years time this whole thing might repeat itself leading us nowhere. Basically what I am saying is examine your actions and think whether you were in the right or wrong.

I am going to apologize in advance if this just causes more problems and if I come off as insulting since it is not my intent. I just felt I needed to chime in since I rather strongly dislike when something like immaturity is used as an excuse for terrible actions.

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