Subject: To note:
Posted on: 2014-11-02 06:02:00 UTC

Ekyl does not even know how to read a GDD (yeah, stupid, but I was desperate), but his game designer friend (obviously) does, and did not say it was unfocused. besides, to make it focused in Ekyl's eyes would have turned the game into a boring, one-trick, CoD-in-space slog.

And no, it had nothing to do with the plot. it had more to do with a combination of genres that he said was unfocused. A: how can genre combinations be unfocused? and B: other games have done the exact same type of genre combinations and were not unfocused by their very design.

JS highly praised the characters though, but that's beyond the point.

Plus the people who beta'd my persona fic did not say "This essential part of your story sax ballz and needs to change or else the whole thing will sux ballz" or some embellished variation. they all target an essential part of the concept and want it changed because whatever. I got criticism, but the helpful kind that did not do any of the above. he just bluntly told me "It's too fast." and I fixed it, no problem.

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