Subject: ThatÂ’s not flaming
Posted on: 2014-11-04 09:26:00 UTC

I mostly don’t know what Ekyl is talking about, not being a gamer at all, but I’m quite certain I couldn’t be much more polite if I talked about something I know.

In a previous post you said “Ekyl does not even know how to read a GDD ”. This may or may not be true, I can’t judge. If it is true, he spent a lot of time and effort on an attempt to help you in a field where he lacks the necessary expertise. Since it didn’t help, this may have been wasting your time, but it certainly wasn’t an attempt to flame and bully you.

To answer your question: If you, after sincerely considering the response, feel certain that your beta readers are wrong, you should not do what they are saying. The appropriate reaction would be to say “Thanks for your time, I appreciate the effort, although it didn’t help because our brains work too differently”, and then asked for other opinions. A still acceptable, although not polite reaction would be to ignore your betas and ask for other opinions. Complaining on the board about “flaming” and “bullying” when evidently none of these really happened was really inappropriate.


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