Subject: This kind of blunt honesty is what I like.
Posted on: 2014-11-04 04:20:00 UTC

When Hieronymus Graubart beta'd the first draft of my next mission, he pointed out all the bits that didn't work. There was no tiptoeing around it- he told me what did and didn't fit and I listened. It's why said mission isn't out yet. I want to make it better, and I needed that blunt honesty to see that the mission, written out of sheer frustration at a badfic, was definitely not the best I could have done.

The Beta is there for a reason, you know. The ones who just shower you with praise don't give you ideas as to how you can make your work go from 'good' to 'excellent'.

Quite frankly, I'd kill for more Betas like him and Ekyl.

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