Subject: Marten is fun to write.
Posted on: 2014-09-25 19:54:00 UTC

Tricky to write, because he's a little different every time he's shown up on-page, and it's hard to maintain that balance between the crazy, manic grinning and the "this is a creature that watches people kill each other for fun." He's an interesting character, and I have to admit, knowing what happens to Roland, there's a little part of me that roots for Marten to make it to the Tower someday.

Well, I didn't know swearing got snipped here. Not like I use it very often! Let's see:

"She Sparkles and Glints" rated M.
A possible scene from Halley's ill-fated "vacation."

(That title was a line I meant to include in the story, but ran out of space and time. Get it? Because Roland "darkles and tincts?" >_> )

I just added the Nettle to the Glossary, as well as all of Trojie's drug-plant janitors, who were missing. One of which is . . . an Angel's Trumpet! So now we have two. Or at least, I've listed them as separate beings. Their personalities are pretty different. We can always change it later if someone wants to write a story that explains them as a single individual who got hit with the Ray of Character Development.

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