Subject: New stroy!
Posted on: 2014-09-23 16:38:00 UTC

Category: PPC
Title: Ponys of futuure passed!
Rating: PG
Summary: Sparkly EDesu is he only hop 4 the fautuer! Pls Reed 7 Rveue! Noflames pls!

A/N: Thea PPC is doing abunch of AI futere stiries and I thonk its a goos idea. So Ih ope you likeit ! ———————————————--

Sparkly Desy wus waking thru the halls of teh Ponys of te Plott Continum barn (A?N::)). She as hapy an smilling but shewas aslo sad and unhapy bcuz noone was being frendz. Thiss was teh fture an it wasnt' gud,

Sudenly their was a flesh of lite and their was anuther Sparkly Desu standing in font of he otter Sparkly Desi and they wer both the same and wer boht pink and bith had suparkawaiidesunes yelow mains and there cuti marks wear almst the smae smily face but the other one jad a eyeoatch on herr cutie mark and they luked at eachother and siad "Iam Sparkley Dessu and I a froom the futeure and I am hear too yell u that u most go too the psat and make evry1 be firends agan!!" "Ok, I wil go to teh past end make evry1 be freinds again." and thy used the powwer of freindship and went bak in tim!

"We hav made it badk in time!" "Yws we have!" And than their was antoher Sporkly Desu in fribt of thema nd they were all teh sam nad they said "We r Sparjly Desu adn we r form the future an we r her to trll u that u most mak every1 be frinds!" "I wil make evrey1 be freinds!" and tehre was a fklash if lightand their was aother Sparkky Desuu stnading their and shee wad evern more SUPARKAQAIIDESUNES thne the otheras! "Teh futrue is fixd!@" adn they al hac a party cuz teh futtre was fuxed!

A/N: Ihope u like teh stry. Teh duture is savd! Pls R7R butt nofalmes! Be nic!

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