Subject: It was two problems.
Posted on: 2014-09-23 15:43:00 UTC

One is that IE is stupid, or possibly smart; either way, it couldn't read slightly-misformatted XML (I believe it was a single-character ellipsis in one of the summaries that broke it). The other is that IE - unlike Chrome - won't allow javascript to insert portions of tables. So IE is stricter, and therefore doesn't work where Chrome does.

But I've fixed it! Well, I hope I have.

This page is a test version of the hopefully-functional PPC Category. Could one or more of you fine people let me know if it works this time? ^-^ Note that it is a test, so isn't integrated into the site yet, and therefore that clicking any links will take you to un-repaired files. Once I'm certain the fix is an actual fix, I'll try and roll it out across the site.

(It works in IE9 and Chrome; that's all I have access to, I'm afraid)


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