Subject: H'okay, let's try some questions.
Posted on: 2018-01-29 13:33:00 UTC

Which I shall invent on the spot, so as not to drive myself bonkers by sifting through all 117.

Q1: Problems with society can always best be solved by working within the system, rather than attempting to overthrow it.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

Q2: A person's personality is shaped by their upbringing, rather than being inborn.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

Q3: It is more important to improve my own nation's lot, rather than improving the world at the expense of my nation.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

Q4: Human needs take precedence over maintaining the environment.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

Q5: The ideal outcome of the justice system is for every prisoner to be effectively rehabilitated and released.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

Q6: When traditions and traditional values get in the way of improving society, they should be set aside.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

Q7: The economy will be healthiest if the government stops trying to regulate it, and just lets the market respond freely.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

Q8: The means of production should be owned collectively by the people.

[Strongly agree|Agree|Neutral|Disagree|Strongly disagree]

(Look... you try coming up with a capitalist-versus-communist question that isn't just 'Communism is good yes/no'!)

Obviously these will just get you 10/30/50/70/90% scores on each axis, but if you want to add your own qualifiers ('neutral, but tending slightly towards agree', or 'disagree so strongly I am offended you would even ask'), I can use those to tweak the scores a little.

And for bonus points, would you call yourself any of these: an Anarchist, strongly religious, Radical Feminist, politically pragmatic, vegan, a conspiracy theorist, or a monarchist?

Hi-ho, questions-- away!


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