Subject: Not so much 'that capitalist'...
Posted on: 2018-01-19 21:45:00 UTC

... as 'that not communist'.

In order to turn those 3-section bars into a single number, I just cut the 'undecided' part in half. So you're (40+53/2=)66.5 Capitalist. At least according to this website; as you know, you were much further to the left last time (around the U-shaped sea, as I recall).

Remember that 'Capitalist' (on this test) and 'Right' (on the previous one) aren't precisely equivalent - that fact has ended up moving me to the east, too (though not nearly so much); I used to be much closer to the Fabled River in the west.

I'm just glad you're not trying to squeeze into the middle with everyone else. ^_^


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