Subject: Map update!
Posted on: 2018-01-19 09:55:00 UTC

Hieronymus has discovered yet another new river. Seafarer's ship is high and dry (but still shipshape). Delta Juliette is a bastion of Chaos in the domain of Order, though with the slight adjustment of the Order-Chaos scale she's not quite as emphatic about it. CmdrHorvat has caused a landslide to reveal a previously-underground magical forest, which is pretty cool. And Maxewell has revealed the true extent of the eastern desert, and (with Juliette) has neatly boxed the Order fortress of Granz in.

There is a definite tendency for eco-friendly types to lean to the Left - look at all that green on the flags, and all the desert/mountain terrain in the east! Oddly, there's also a trend of emblems mostly appearing on the Left - except for Guardsman Tom, every emblem is west of me, and everyone west of me has an emblem.

(Which makes sense, because apart from Tom's shield, the Monarchist fleur-de-lys, and the very difficult-to-get double-X from being an Essentialist Punisher, the emblems are all strongly Left-biased. Internationalism, Communism, Ecology, Revolution, and Feminism.)

hS, still having fun, but if we have any more centrists they're going to be stacked on top of each other.

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