Subject: Where you'd expect for a Dark Lord:
Posted on: 2018-01-16 15:57:00 UTC

Waaaaaaaay off to the east.

(There is some serious irony in the fact that EAIUverOverlord, Dark Brother, and now Dark Lord Aakmal, have all ended up far to the right of the rest of the Board.)

Actually not that far to the east - just on the edge of the Eastern Mountains.

Hey, Office of Cartography, got a map for you. Yeah, turns out the Second Expedition were a bunch of idiots who 'adjusted' the Centre Pole for political reasons - it's actually pretty much where the First put it.

A-ny-ways, we've gone out a bit further, confirmed that there's mountains in the north-west and over in the east. Ran into a string of settlements under the banner of Dark Lord Aakmal out there, but surprisingly: not evil! Well, not Chaos, at any rate.

We also found a forest that both of the other expeditions had missed, which is kinda weird, because it's practically visible from the walls of Huinesoron. (Oh, FYI: we've put the walls in, too, along with the ones around Hardric. If the fastnesses of Chaos get their defences illustrated, so should the fortresses of Order.) There's a town in there, too, bit magical, fairly empty; calls itself Neshomeh.

We've scribbled in the land to the north, but TBH we didn't actually go there. It's probably about right, though.


-Third Huinesoronic Mapping Expedition


So far, we've managed to avoid any repeated flags, though Larfen, Hardric, and Aakmal are pretty close. It's also interesting that Larfen, palin, and I are the only ones without at least a minor Pragmatism sticker on our results (out of eight results so far). I guess we know who Doesn't Play Well With Others...!


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