Subject: Constrictivism vs. Essentialism
Posted on: 2018-01-17 01:09:00 UTC

From the Help page:

Why are the people how they are? This axis allows you to situate yourself between two opposite poles which answer this question.

The constructivists consider that people build themselves from their environment (notably social) and that the caracteristics that make them who they are, are acquired.

On the contrary, the essentialists consider that an individual is by nature how he/she is and that his/her caracteristics which make this person who she/he is, are innate.
A lot of the questions dealing with this axis were things like whether you believe people from different countries have inborn traits that make them different from other people, or that quote about whether one is born a woman or becomes a woman.

IMO, the answer to this, as with most things, is that it's both. Like, a population that breeds mostly with itself for long enough is gonna develop a few genetic traits that may set it apart from other populations, like e.g. a preponderance of a certain blood type; but on the other hand, we are so very social, and our societies matter immensely; but on the other hand, we have the intelligence to overcome our past experiences and adapt to new ones.

... Again, this is why I struggle with these tests. ^_^;


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