Subject: I really don't know how to make it clearer: Bram. Lies.
Posted on: 2019-08-07 19:54:00 UTC

Bram constantly and consistently lies about her experiences on the Board. She has done so to people such as yourself to garner sympathy. She has done so to random Reddit groups in the hopes of stirring up a bit of brigading. She's even tried to do it to us here in the PPC community, an attempt at gaslighting which would have been unsettling were it not so comically inept.

If she can't get anyone to help her with her social issues, well, that's very sad. It's also neither the PPC's fault, the PPC's business, nor the PPC's problem. We are not Bram's therapists, nor are we obliged to be, especially not to someone who routinely broke and continues to break community rules and then expects nothing short of grovelling for us abiding by our own rules and administering punishments to which she herself agreed.

As for the matter of discussing with her what else she could have done: we did. Over, and over, and over again. We have the receipts. They are publicly available. This is no longer a discussion the community is interested in having. I'm not trying to speak for all of us here; instead, I'm relaying to you the opinions of literally everyone in this thread who isn't you.

I don't think this matters to you, though. I have not the slightest reason or inclination to believe that you are acting in good faith. I really hope you find something better to do with your life than defend creepy stalkers obsessed over a fanfiction community, and until then, go somewhere else to look for it.

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