Subject: Oh, darlin'...
Posted on: 2019-08-05 19:23:00 UTC

I've been bullied too, but I wouldn't dream of going on a crusade like this, especially not for YEARS. Even if she was completely innocent in the original conflict, there is absolutely no excuse for how she's been handling the situation since. This level of refusing to let go is unhealthy - I pass no judgment on her personality, because I don't know her and so have no right to, but I can form an opinion about her behavior, and I don't much like what I see, my dear friend Marion.

And I think this needs to be reiterated - the PPC doesn't owe her any further interaction, and have expressed many, many, many, so many times that they're uncomfortable with her constant attempts at forcing herself back into this space. What she's doing now is harassment, plain and simple. And that is never acceptable. I'd tell Mother Theresa herself to knock it off if she was acting like this.

I didn't plan on get back into the ring with you, because you've dug your heels in already, but I couldn't just watch you flinging accusations and making personal attacks at a community I care about and not say anything. But now that we know each other's opinions, do kindly shut it because we're not getting anywhere - and I don't feel like playing chess with pigeons.

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