Subject: Actual question re. safe spaces.
Posted on: 2019-08-01 22:50:00 UTC

Should all spaces be safe?

The go-to answer to this has been no as long as I can remember. The understanding is that if you post your work on a public archive with a community review function, you are consenting to criticism, both positive and negative.

However, we've never (AFAIK) sporked stories posted in smaller or more restricted communities. LiveJournal, for instance—I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable sporking something from somebody's journal. Maybe if they were vocally demanding critique, but then, I don't go looking there in the first place.

So, if someone doesn't want strong critical feedback, there are places to share that are safe. I believe we respect that.

The big, popular forums like and AO3, though? I don't personally feel they can or should be considered safe spaces. For myself, I'm not interested in sharing my work somewhere I'm only going to get coddled with bland praise and never challenged. I hate bland praise. I feel that the greatest compliment someone can give me is to respect the work I put into my writing by putting some work into engaging with it and leaving feedback that tells me what I did right or wrong.

That's not to say I don't get annoyed when I get feedback I don't like, incidentally. We're all only human. {= ) But learning to get over that knee-jerk reaction and use the experience as an opportunity for growth is important, especially if, like me, you're one of the many fanfic writers who hope to eventually publish some original work. IMO, if I can't handle being told I suck by some anonymous Internet people, god help me if real readers and critics have anything bad to say.

Tangentially related, I HAVE been considering, at least for myself, something like a statute of limitations on fics I spork. Nothing less than a year old, or something like that. (Unless it's a troll or something, then I don't care.) I figure the chance of seriously damaging somebody's ego goes down exponentially the more time between the original publication date and the sporking.

I also have zero sympathy for something like "Subjugation," a truly objectionable piece of work that was clearly written by an adult who knew exactly what they were doing—or at least, I sure hope so. >.<


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