Subject: Fair point.
Posted on: 2019-08-03 01:28:00 UTC

I could start by pointing out just one problem. In a fic bad enough to support a mission, though, the question becomes: which one? The biggest problem, which is often "please actually read/watch/play the work you're writing about" or "please learn what the words you're using mean and also how to use your keyboard"? The most unintentionally hilarious? The most unintentionally godawful? The most insulting to my intelligence as a reader? The most disrespectful to the work the author claims to be a fan of?

One time I DID leave a review was on a sequel to another fic. The first fic was flawed, but not terrible. The second one was mostly a plagiarized transcription of The Lord of the Rings with lines inserted here and there for the OC. I now find it's finally been deleted, so I can't just copy & paste what I said, but it basically boiled down to "This is plagiarism, plagiarism is bad. I'm here because I want to read fanfiction. Why not actually write some?" I never got a response. I did spork both stories, and here's my author's note:

"Despite its flaws, 'The Adventure Begins' had some promise: the romance stuff was handled pretty well, Vanya was at least smart enough not to go around telling people she was a werewolf at first, and I really sympathize with wanting to hang out with Aragorn and be a Ranger. However, everything good about the first story—heck, even most of what was bad about it—was abandoned in "With one Step." At that point, there was no hope of salvaging Vanya. She all but wrote herself out of existence. The agents just finished the job."

Had some nice things to say about it in the mission itself, too. I still like the romance scene with the fireflies, for one.

There is indeed a difference between criticism and mocking, and I agree that PPC missions skirt the line and sometimes cross it. As to how bad that is, though, let me suggest a case study.

One of my earliest missions, "What Friends Will Do," contains what I think is one of the meanest things I've written, off the top of my head, and it wasn't even about the main character (a very OOC canon in this case), but a side character, Dr. Jenkins. Ctrl+f that and you'll find the relevant passages. My character insults the hell out of this character, because he's supposed to be a doctor and yet, in his first scene, he does absolutely nothing to help the main character, who is lying in a bed screaming in pain. That is a bad doctor, and there's no sugarcoating it. That's why I don't think it's going too far to have a laugh at his expense.

Also, worth noting, the fic in question was last updated in February 2005, and my mission wasn't published until January 2008. I reckon three years ought to put plenty of emotional distance between an author and a work. In that amount of time, most people would even agree their older stuff is flawed.

I'm genuinely curious, though—if you actually read one of my missions (one of the above or any other), where do you think I went too far, and why? You seem like a reasonable person, and I would take the information on board even if I disagree.


P.S. About zdimensia/Bramandin/whatever she's calling herself now? I am very sincerely cautioning you, please don't go down that rabbit hole. We've tried everything, we really have, and it never ends with anyone any happier.

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