Subject: Well, it's not how *I* would've done it...
Posted on: 2020-05-28 17:57:38 UTC

But I guess if it has to be someone else, it had better be you. Nice move having Roxanna actually replace that slob OC. Actually recruiting her to the cause would've been better, though. Maybe Huinesoron will get another shot at it next time?

Also, where's my cameo? You literally can't talk about the history of this Dullfic without acknowledging my agents' role in it! Come on.

(( Ugh, I hate Mirror!Nesh. Petulant not-quite-demands to be included in other people's stuff are sadly a thing young!me actually did, so escalating that to full-on demands seemed right. I have no idea which characters were allegedly involved or what she thinks was so important, but it probably wasn't actually that big a deal. *deepest eye-roll* ))

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