Subject: Thoughts
Posted on: 2022-05-17 02:50:31 UTC

(Self-reply to Riiiing.)

This was the third time David Null paced the room, his thoughts on "The Magic Coin event," as he dubbed it, or "Wish Upon a Coin," as he formally dubbed it. It was his fault; he gets to name it.

That was pretty much what he came up with, aside from "the coin made anti-Sue matter exist," but that didn't make much sense. K told David that O'Ryan had messaged them while David was asleep. O'Ryan noted that canons with Canon Sues were marked and had no associated universe.

Meaning they disappeared, like everything else.

O'Ryan hypothesized that glitter, the very essence of Sues, disappeared, based on his suit jacket sleeve being wet and not glittery, but that wouldn't explain the badfic non-Sues being gone. Perhaps it was Sue influence? Being a puppet of a Sue for long enough causing something irreversible to happen? Who knows.

And why wasn't Paye gone? Was Dream Girlfriend not a Sue canon after all?

David was very confused. He stopped pacing and sat on his bed.

What canons were affected? Could he reverse this? Could he-

Knock knock.

"Who's there?" David called out. "The door is locked."

"Qnza," the stranger cursed. "Well, whatever. I just wanted to let you know that-"

"All the Sues are gone," David replied. "I know!"

"Yeesh, don't be so harsh!" called the stranger. "Anyhow, do you have any glitter? Or Sueification items?"

"No?" David replied. "I don't shpxing carry that sort of stuff. Too much of a personal risk."

"Qnza," the stranger cursed again. "I was gonna see if I could Sue myself and stay alive."

"Why the uryy would you shpxing do that?" David yelled.

"Science!" they said. "But, whatever. I'm gonna wander the halls and see if anyone has anything." David heard footsteps leaving.

"Alright, back to thinking," he muttered. "Back to thinking..."

Official name is "Wish Upon a Coin," but no one (except David Null) knows that :).

Also, the stranger isn't gonna find a ton of glitter. Most, if not all, of it disappeared. I know nothing official has been said yet, but there. That's why O'Ryan's sleeve became wet.
