Subject: The continuation. [ RC 1110 ]
Posted on: 2022-05-21 05:35:04 UTC

Derik reread the message several times, unable to fully absorb its meaning in one go. It sank in bit by bit: The Sues were gone. All of them, and all their works, too. That explained the portal's failure to open: the generator couldn't target a fic that no longer existed.

But what about Gall and Fellrazer? "Disappearances," the message said; they weren't the only ones. But Gall wasn't a Sue, not even a reformed one; she'd been the bully to her fic's Sue.

"Beings," the message had mentioned "beings," too, "born of their direct influence." Did that mean anyone who had been a character in a Suefic? But that couldn't be right, because that would include himself, and he was still here. Maybe—he hardly dared hope—maybe that meant he really had had a life before Alanna? He could remember it in snatches, every piece falling into place as though it had always been there, and he desperately wanted to believe it was real. All the Phantom nonsense that mapped onto him, that he could chalk up to Suvian meddling.

Unless his fears had been correct all along, and his memories were fabrications his mind had spun from the suggestions of the Reality Room. Unlike his partner, he'd blundered his way into one post-recruitment. Could it have scrubbed him so thoroughly clean of Alanna's touch that he had managed to duck whatever was sweeping Headquarters?

He didn't know what to think. This was too much. Gall gone, Sues gone, everyone else born of Suvian influence gone... How many agents was that? How many people did he even know who weren't from a badfic?

Well, Thoth, for one. At least, as far as he knew. Surely his friend would have mentioned it by now; they'd spoken of origins often enough. Yes, Thoth would be all right. He must be.

And Su wasn't from a fic at all—oh, but Diocletian was a former Sue, wasn't she? And Ithalond and Mithiriel came from one of the most notorious Suefics of all. Their daughter Alwaen had been born in Headquarters, though. Was she safe?

What about Gadrik?

The thought of his own three-year-old son sent Derik into a panic he couldn't stop, and his shame at not having thought of him immediately added fuel to the fire. Gadrik was in the Nursery, where he was supposed to be safe, but there was no guarantee of that anymore. Derik had to go see him, right now.

His heart just about stopped when he tugged on the door and couldn't open it, but then he remembered the Tiger Lily's message had said they'd locked the doors, to Well, that was fine and dandy for them. The DIA had their job to do, Derik had his.

And he had a sledgehammer.

(( Next time, the Nursery! Lily, if you want C&E to get there first, that's fine with me. Otherwise, if you don't mind waiting a bit longer, I have a bit I can do with Derik before they show up when I next get a chance. Whichever!

(( For the record (mostly mine), Ithalond and Mithiriel having a kid is something Tungsten Monk intended to happen, but nothing has been written about that yet. Derik's train of thought made me think of her, and nothing would do but I had to come up with a name. Two, actually. Derik calls her by her father-name, Alwaen, which means "unstained" and is pronounced all-wine. Seems like the kind of thing Ithalond would both see in and wish for his daughter. Her mother-name is Muichiril, "Lady of Cats," and is pronounced mwee-kiril. She is destined to take up a Hermione-like crusade against the Cats Are Evil trope and care for all the felines of HQ. ^_^ Many thanks for hS for helping me with the Sindarin and giving me the idea for her future, should this become canon.

~Neshomeh ))