Subject: "Well, uh, as long as you you come alone and unarmed, I suppose it's okay," David replied.
Posted on: 2022-05-23 00:47:21 UTC

"I don't trust people right now." David placed Hamlet on top of the coin. He debated innerwardly on whether to tell this random agaent he just met that he was the cause of all of this.

He decided against it.

"You never trust people," K said.

"Wrong," David corrected. He got up from his chair and walked over to the bunk beds. "I trusted Paye when she worked with me. I just don't trust you for reasons that should be obvious." He looked over to the DF agent. "My name's David Null, by the way, and that over there is K." He gestured to the other vampire agent. "Both vampires, but we're not agressive. K is only harsh when someone curses, but he's had to deal with me for about two shpxing weeks. He should be used to it if you feel the need to."

"Don't mind his harshness," K said. "He usually is harsher than me or most other agents. I'm K. I was a social studies teacher-"

"-and a bad one, too," David added.

"And David here was an overly harsh English teacher," K finished.

"You have to be harsh," David replied. "You make the PPC's job harder otherwise. Or my job harder, back when I graded essays."

"So, what's your name?" K asked.

"I haven't seen you around before," David finished. "Newbie?"

((To clarify: David Null is asking if Boardicea is a newbie, not calling her a newbie as an insult.))
