Subject: More info coming up:
Posted on: 2022-11-14 09:41:11 UTC

Her original name is Quessangіel Erulasse, which sounds rather silly (and appears to be a weird mashup of Quenya and Sindarin). She, along with another elleth named Cowne Idril (ain't even commenting on this one; she shows up after the point I end the mission, though this may change. In case I change my mind, she is blonde with either grey or dark eyes) are the Sue's loyal handmaidens (rather like a succulent little peach we know somewhere…). Quessangіel, Cowne and the Sue (who is yet another Celebrían replacer, but it's a story for another time) all tag along with the Fellowship, so we have on our hands not a Tenth, but a Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Walkers situation.

P.S: The fic was the first in the LotR section in the unclaimed list, and was a returned fic. If the original claimer wishes to claim it again, disregard everything above this addendum.

P.P.S: My memories of LotR is kind of rusty, but the fic has Lórien suddenly attacked by orcs when the Fellowship stop there. I don't remember such event happening in the books, and I haven't seen the movies.