Subject: And now, for an announcement:
Posted on: 2023-05-08 09:27:07 UTC

As of the completion of the Ls cowrite, I announce that I will no longer accept requests for or initiate cowrites. The reason has nothing to do with Ls – in fact, it has been great working with him on the project – or the controversy surrounding the canonical source material. I come to this decision purely because I figured that cowriting really isn't for me. The reasons are simple:

  1. Creative difference: While I was able to finish this mission, I don't believe in my ability to compromise my own writing style and overcome creative differences again in the future (which is why I can never, ever become a professional writer, but I digress).
  2. Schedule: Due to time zones, offline life and the fact I have a tendency to procrastinate, I feel that I have dragged the project on longer than expected. For that, I apologize to Ls and do not wish to burden another writer with a months-long, stretched out project on their backlog.

However, I'm still open to co-riffing on the Asylum, as it's different from missions.

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