Subject: Thank you all, very much :)
Posted on: 2010-01-14 06:49:00 UTC

I feel very foolish for all those typos, but I suppose it's all my own fault, posting at midnight. What was I thinking? ;p

This feedback is great. I'm breaking the draft into three articles to see how it works out, and I'll post them sometime in the next day or so (on my livejournal, this time, to save on complex posts) so you guys can see if it works better that way. (And hopefully with no typos. :P)

Anamia, you're quite right - the Emergencies section needs to stay with the main guide, so I'm doing a bit of fiddling in order to make all that work.

Neshomeh, I'm especially glad to see you approve! It being your idea and all. I've changed the FAQ answer about recruiting badfic characters to fit with what you said, because I agree - I just didn't know anyone had actually done that. Eep.
To be honest, I started off thinking that this would a 'pre-Permission' thing as well, but the vast majority of questions I found in old threads were more mission related, so it sort of... changed. I think I can arrange it, though, so one or even two of the three parts will be more pre-Permission than pre-First Mission.

Doctorlit, I'll add that question to the FAQ. And the answer would be - the former. A misspelled mini takes its form from the fandom of the fic it's in. I don't think there are Real World minis, actually, which is good, since so many continua are set in the real world - it would all get very confusing.

Thanks again, all of you. "Awesome", really? I feel so shy...

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