Subject: ye gods!
Posted on: 2010-01-13 20:24:00 UTC

First off, I want to inform Sedri that she is truly awesome. -nods earnestly- Thank you so much for writing this!

Now onto the draft itself. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have an odd fixation with official-y things, and so enjoy reading FAQs, Rules and Regulations, and similar things. This one was informative and well written. I didn't mind the length, but I suspect I'm in a minority. At least, among newbies. Then again, perhaps if they can't be bothered to read the FAQ they don't belong here...

However, if you're looking to chop things out, I would suggest moving some of the mission guideline stuff to a new post. I know you already thought of that, so basically I'm seconding it. I would put all of part 3 except the emergencies into its own section and link the main FAQ page to that. I think the part about not writing emergencies should stay on the main page, since it's important and writing Epic Stories to impress everyone is tempting.

That should cut it down a bit. Apart from that, I have no useful suggestions that don't concern random spelling/grammar stuff which I imagine you can catch on your own. You seem to have covered everything I wondered and more.

Thanks once again!

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