Subject: Agreed--Sedri is officially awesome.
Posted on: 2010-01-13 21:36:00 UTC

I really have no words. It's great. ^_^

I do agree that the How to Write a Mission can go into a separate article, though. When I first proposed the FAQ, I was thinking mainly of "pre-Permission" type stuff--though maybe it would be better to say "pre-first mission"?

I dunno. It's hard to think properly in a cafe. {= P

I would note that recruits from badfic are generally better if they come from an actual badfic. Like you say, if that's just something you want as a background for an agent, it isn't strictly necessary to go hunting for a source; but I think the characters who have a real point of origin have a little extra depth, somehow.

... Maybe it's just because two of mine are like that.

Anyway. I am amazed that you got this together so quickly, Sedri. You've earned a rest!

~Neshomeh, who feels too incoherent to be any further use, unfortunately.

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