Subject: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part X
Posted on: 2008-11-09 21:48:00 UTC

  1. I will not pit blimmets and Taxxons against each other to "see what happens."

    795. Doctor Who DVDs may only be sold in the continua they were purchased in or in PPC HQ.

    796. Adipose. Jabba the Hutt. Just no.

    797. I will not challenge Lu-Tze to a duel to the death.
    -Nor will I EVER goad, imperius, blackmail, or otherwise induce anyone else to do so.
    -Except maybe a Mary Sue.
    -If déjà fu is not her specialty.

    798. I will not tamper with the Bashir Hologram's programming.

    799. I will never recruit any version of the Joker.

    800. Daleks are not toys.
    -Nor are Cybermen.
    -Nor are Quarks.
    -Nor any other nasty cyborg, killer robot, or other mechanical menace in Doctor Who.
    -Except the Peking Homunculus.
    -Which should not be played with anyway.

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