Subject: pep talk of sorts, and explanation
Posted on: 2008-07-30 23:10:00 UTC

Lynxihez, all our Agents have a flavour of Sue or Stu about them somewhere. It's hard to kick butt in fandom without some special skills :P Hell, half of them ARE ex-Sues and Stus who retain their Suvian abilities.
If you have worried that much about your writing, and analysed it that much, I'm willing to bet it isn't half as bad as you think it is. My advice would be to ask someone else for an impartial readthrough. You don't have to ask for Permission if you don't want to, but I'm sure anyone here would be cool with just going over your work with you if you have worries about it. I'll do it myself if you want. I'd be pleased to.

Pep talk over, now here's the explanation.

The main objection with Fichunter is not his Agent Janus, who, admittedly, is quite Stuish, but who COULD, with work, become a workable Agent. No, the objection, at least as far as I see it and as far as I can glean from other posters, is that he just seems not to understand the point of the PPC and to not be getting into the spirit of the thing, which is the WRITING. Not the blowing shit up, or the steeling ourselves to read bad squick (if that's your idea of fun). It all boils down to quality of writing. We really are like vigilante transdimensional copy editors.

And it seems to me that you have a deep concern for the quality of writing, which tells me that you belong here with us, whether or not you choose to actively spork badfic.

- Trojie

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