Subject: Aww, come on!
Posted on: 2008-07-30 15:15:00 UTC

It can't be as bad as that. Sure, we've all got a Mary-Sue or two in our closet *Ignores the fifty or so in his* but that doesn't mean anything.
But, while we're on the topic, maybe a new thread could have been used...

Anyway... The most interesting thing about Mary-Sues is that they can happen anywhere, anytime. Harry Potter, for example, is a prime example of a well-written Gary-Stu. Yes, he is a Gary-Stu, but he's written in a way that make sit forgivable.
Eragon, on the other hand... We just won't go there.

But in the end mate, it's all with you. If you have issues with writing, then just ask. If you post an Agent who seems Stuish / Suish, that's fine. We'll let you know, and if you're open to it, give you help to knock 'em down a little. When creating characters, I tend to follow the balance rule, my character might be good at sports, but only sports that require speed, or flexibility. It's all about limitations.

And that would be your self-doubt talking. I find the best way to deal with that is to shrug and ignore it. You're just being hard on yourself. at the very most, you're saying you could be better, and writing gives you the opportunity to be better, at worst, you stop doing the thing you love doing. Not a good option.

But again, this is a site for the PPC. Protectors of the Plot Continuum. We spork the occasional badfic, sure, but mostly, we're here to help guide new writers into what they could be, which could be the next J.k Rowling, or the next Tolkein (Blasphemy!). We don't go out of our way to hurt people, we just drive the point home when we get ignored. We're here to help you, and there's a bunch of people on here who would be willing to Beta anything you do, all you need is ask.
Well, to sum up, I'd encourage you to ask permission. We wanna help, and we do enjoy new blood. We just might seem a little harsh right now because someone doesn't fulfil all the guidelines we expect, which were mostly social. If you're willing to work on writing, even if you're a far better writer than J.k Rowling, then we're always gonna be willing to help you.

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