Subject: First things first...
Posted on: 2008-07-29 21:02:00 UTC

Being 'kind' was not the first concern when I wrote that post. It wasn't even a main concern. I'm not going to be kind when stating my opinion, and the truth is, that's my opinion. I typed all of that because I believe that's the case. I even said that at the very first. "I'm not a Permission Giver, but I'd just like to put out my opinion here. "

And I said nothing, nothing at all about Fichunter's writing style. What I said regarding his posts here is that he posts rarely, and whenever he posts something that other people call him out for, he ignores it for a few days and then maybe replies. One of the things that is asked that a person do before they ask for Permission is to be active on the board. A half dozen posts a month that are mostly one-liners is hardly active.

As to Fichunter himself, I don't think saying that it seems like someone is showboating themselves, making people uncomfortable due to posting a link (on two different occasions) to a website full of things like bestiality, bad porn, and grotesque death images, or sticking to posting in threads where 'prominent' people have posted is being insulting. When you're only posting in a thread because people like that have posted in it, that's more of an insult. All I was doing was stating what the situation looked like.

And when the point of the PPC is to be a fun thing that kills Stus and Sues and other badfic things, having an Agent that is a Stu is against the point. When at one point your Agent is described as reading "...the entirety of Celebrian out loud without bleep-products or showing any disgust, (perhaps the sadistic grin was enough) and won the use of their bleepsinthe for 'whenever'" "In an act of true insanity, and a bet between him and the bad slashers" alongside "He also enjoys sadisticly [sic] "enlightening" the newbies about the many kinds of sex fetishes that suethors love to thinkup [sic] and why glue is not lube." this is less an Agent and more a Stu that's copying the characters of other Agents. He only changed all of that after several people read his article for Janus and commented on the talk page thinking he was a troll.

Also, I'm not sure where I'm insulting 'insulting... everything they stand for' but if I managed that, I'm definitely impressed with myself. I never even managed to do that when I was a flamer and was trying to do that!

And everyone is entitled to an opinion, cga. Even if it's wrong, crass, insolent, rude, stupid, over egotistical, silly, or insulting to someone else. After all, I'm not sure about you, but I don't live under a totalitarian dictatorship where having an opinion is wrong. Plus, there's nothing wrong with what you said, you're definitely not being insolent. Maybe cheeky.

And no, you can't get kicked from the board for being rude, and definitely not for being rude to me. Besides, you weren't even rude here. If you thought you were being rude, you need to stop being so nice. Fynn could probably do something about it though, I imagine.

Also, long post is long. o.o;

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