Subject: a review
Posted on: 2017-05-22 21:27:00 UTC

I don't know this canon, but that largely didn't affect my reading. You said this is an excerpt from a longer fic; I'm not sure if the beginning of this passage is also the beginning of the fic, but it's an excellent beginning either way. I immediately started to get a sense of both characters' personalities from their dialogue and movement/body language, supplemented by the slightly-Hitch's-point-of-view narration. You do a great job of expressing Hitch being pulled between staying professional in a formal setting and being bored enough to want to play a game. You also get across the fact that Hitch clearly respects Ruby a good deal, despite the age difference, and trusts her enough to start playing this game in public without expecting any really terrible consequences.

Despite the very excellent characterization right at the opening, I do think the setting needs a bit more description early on. Knowing that the party is so packed that Ruby has to squeeze between people to move away from Hitch colors the conversation about playing the lemon game, as it implies that it will be harder to move the lemon around without being seen—but we don't know it's that busy until the end of that scene. Knowing more of the party's layout would also be useful for mentally visualizing the lemon's different locations. In particular, the sentence, "It took him nearly ten minutes and a momentary false alarm with somebody’s brightly-colored yellow handbag to track down the lemon, which was almost smugly resting on a drinks tray carried by a tuxedo-clad waiter," feels rather empty, and like a bit of a cop-out, as it's too hard to see in my mind's eye what Hitch could have been doing in that time without knowing the layout of the party. However, I recognize that this may just be the result of this sequence being removed from a larger story, so I may simply be missing information here that is supplied in the final version.

A couple of formatting notes:
Firstly, on the internet, it's typically easier to read multiple paragraphs when there's a line between each one (double spacing), rather than simply indenting. I know this may have been copied and pasted from another format, but it does make the words from different sentences run together in some spots here on the Board.

Secondly, you typically want to use different lengths of line for hyphens and dashes. You use hyphens correctly already between the words in adjective phrases ("Hitch corrected half-heartedly"). For the dash that separates parts of sentences or represents an interruption, you need a longer line. "'My gosh, sir, I’m so sorry- I didn’t see where I was going!'" should look like "'My gosh, sir, I’m so sorry—I didn’t see where I was going!'" That long dash doesn't exist as a key on most keyboards, but there are two easy ways to do it. My preference is to use the html code "& mdash;" without the space which creates "—". You can also hold down the "alt" key while typing in "0151" in the square number pad on the right side of the keyboard, which produces "—" . Which is actually a lot better, because you can see it right on the page as you type, so that might be my new preference.

Also, some multiple-word adjective phrases don't need the hyphen in between the words—namely, the ones that have adverbs ending in "-ly." So "cleverly-hidden lemon" can just be "cleverly hidden lemon."

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