Subject: Thank you for your comments
Posted on: 2017-05-19 16:42:00 UTC

In some semblance of order:

-All apartment showers are terrible. It is known.

-I was thinking minor burns on the face, which might be mostly healed by now. The major burns were where her clothing caught fire and her skin was in almost direct contact with the burning material. I should do some more research and see if I can improve this description.

--Also, hair doesn't need to be in direct contact with the flames in order to scorch. Being too close to fire can lose a person their eyebrows without them suffering lasting damage to their skin. That's kind of what I was going for.

-You are right about the hour earlier thing. I think I'll just change it to 10-15 minutes early and have her take a longer shower.

-I'll take classic. Classic is good. This is me trying my hand at the horror/mystery genre. Something like you might find in Supernatural or some Doctor Who.

-You would understand the line from the news if you had been given the Prologue. It involves a man named Samuelson. This does also come into play later.

-Hyphens are hard. I'll have to watch that when I go back to edit.

-"Too much trivia" is a personal failing. I do tend to go on. This is why I need betas; to tell me when I am getting long in the tooth.

-KC does have a tendency to forget that "Then" happens. But she isn't damaged to the point of self-absorption. She was self-absorbed from the start. That's what got her into the accident in the first place. She was driving drunk.

You've given me a lot of really good notes, and a lot of things to think about. I hope you'll have time to go over Chapter 2, as well? If not, no big deal. I appreciate the level of thought and effort that went into what you've already given me.

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