Subject: a review with spoilers
Posted on: 2017-05-19 13:40:00 UTC

I'm not up-to-date on my Buffy canon, only up through season four. From my perspective in the timeline, I'd say you have Joyce's voice down absolutely perfectly, but Buffy's, I'm not so sure of. The last I remember of Joyce doing any dating, Buffy was rather resistant to it, so it feels a bit off for her to be supportive and encouraging about this. Then again, part of her reservations in that episode were sensing something wrong with Joyce's boyfriend, and again, my lack of newest info in the canon may make this criticism irrelevant. I do think the overall interaction, with Joyce teasing Buffy with information and playing on her assumptions, is spot-on between the two of them.

I did catch the neutral pronoun usage, so I guessed the reveal early on. (Although my very first initial guess was that Joyce had gotten a pet of some kind, until I reached the phrase, "about my height.") More importantly, though, I think your characterization of Buffy, not noticing the pronoun game and failing to imagine her mom as interested in women, is true to Buffy's direct and stubborn mind in canon. And again, after the reveal, the dialogue between Joyce and Buffy feels right for the way they tend to interact in the show. Buffy's reaction to her mom being bisexual is realistic, and Joyce acting proud and just slightly smug feels right, too.

I was initially pretty confused by the choice of Hermione's mom. (Do we seriously not have a name for the parents of one of the Golden Trio? I'll just call her Granger here.) Then I thought I understood it better, but just now realized I'm still at least a bit confused. The fact that Granger introduces herself as "Monica" seems to indicate that this is taking place during Deathly Hallows, when Granger's mind has been charmed by her daughter. If that's the case, though, Granger shouldn't have any memory of her daughter, and also calls to question where her husband is. This made me briefly think that this is meant to be an AU where Granger lost her daughter young and left her husband, except Hermione was the source of that name—unless you're using that name as a stand-in because SERIOUSLY HOW DO HERMIONE'S PARENTS NOT HAVE NAMES. Except, then you would go Monica Granger, since we do know the surname, at least . . . Ultimately, the confusion caused by these details, as well as the suddenness and brevity of the closing paragraphs, weakens the ending for me. I suppose if this were an actual, published fanfic, there would be a continuation where the reader could glean more details, or at least an author's note explaining how Granger got here. As it is, it feels like a quickly thought-out twist to throw on the end for the sake of a surprise.

Also, Buffy's thoughts in the middle of Granger's dialogue should be moved to their own paragraph.

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