Subject: Re: A bit of a longer fic
Posted on: 2017-05-18 08:39:00 UTC

I have to start off with saying that I really enjoyed this story. I have no idea who these characters are, though I learned a few things about them during the story. Ruby is a mischievous teenage daughter of very, very wealthy and powerful parents. Hitch is the head butler, possibly head of staff? He seems to have more of a sense of humor and less patience for formal affairs than the stereotype of that position. I never imagined that I would find a story about hiding a lemon so entertaining. It also plays on the other meaning that lemon has in fanfic circles. (Was that intentional?)

On formatting: I prefer to read on screens with a blank line between paragraphs. It's easier on the eyes.

“It’s not too bad,” he said. “I can deal.” Internally, he was hoping desperately that she’d find some way to shake things up without actually causing any sort of damage.

This is something I have been working on in my own writing recently. You have three adverbs in this one sentence, and a lot of them overall. Too many adverbs slow things down and weaken your writing. They are hard to get rid of, but it when you do it does help.

“But she won’t,” Ruby interrupted, “because we’re both excellent at this game.

This is picky, but she is supposing that he is excellent at the game. She just had to explain how it's played, so he must not have played before.

It took him nearly ten minutes and a momentary false alarm with somebody’s brightly-colored yellow handbag to track down the lemon, which was almost smugly resting on a drinks tray carried by a tuxedo-clad waiter.

I particularly liked this line. I know I am hitting you overall for adverbs, but that lemon sitting smugly on the tray is funny.

I think she must have been cheating a bit to know so quickly that he'd put the lemon in the coat pocket, but it's kind of a non-visible hiding spot so it balances out. When this is all de-anoned, I wouldn't mind a link to finish reading this.

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