Subject: [Sunday] RC 251 (ping to DawnFire!)
Posted on: 2015-09-01 03:19:00 UTC

"No way," Vania said after pausing her game. "I don't believe you."

"Seriously," Doc said from his top bunk. "I only just realized."

Vania sputtered. "But! It's! Right there! It's one letter away! 'Diagon Alley.'"

"Yes, but it isn't pronounced that way."

"You should have at least figured it out when Azkaban came out with Knockturn Alley."

Doc's eyes widened. "Holy crap! That's 'nocturnally!'"

Vania sighed. "Oh my Lord, Doc, how could—"

Both agents' faces turned serious as they felt it coming. Doc's mind remained in the room just long enough to wonder why it wasn't hurting him, since Vania had dropped to knees and elbows, holding her head in her hands.

((It took me a stupid long time to notice that joke. Years, you guys.))

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