Subject: ((I'm up for an encounter!))
Posted on: 2015-09-01 02:30:00 UTC

Mia careened through the halls of HQ, trying not to think of DoSAT. Unfortunately, every step she took reminded her why she needed to get to DoSAT. She tried to distract herself by taking stock of her tool belt; she had all of the essentials, plus the monkey wrench, and a radio. She thought about trying to call the rest of BM (she assumed she had swapped into one of their members; the radio and tool set both matched that hypothesis) but she decided against it. She didn't need construction workers; she needed DoSAT.

But now she was thinking about DoSAT again.

Mia rounded a corner with a growl, then skidded to a stop. Ahead of her were two agents, a boy and a girl, walking slowly. Mia's eyes narrowed; you might say her senses were tingling. These two knew something, she was certain of it.

She ran up to them, curving to their right and then doing a roundabout to face them. "What's happened?" she demanded. "And why am I in a different body?"

((Just as a forewarning, Mia's sarcastic. Oh, and, Denny's glitter levels are probably rising by the second. I hadn't thought about it before, but Mia's left over Suepahpowahs are largely mental, even though the source is physical. They've carried over, and if his body's GL rises too quickly, Denny might find his body sporting urple eyes when he switches back. Yikes! If you don't want that to happen to him, well, it doesn't have to. Mia's Suvian characteristics are wonky (because her badfic, my badfic, was awful) so nothing's really a must.

Also, this is so fun!!


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