Subject: ((And it looks like we're partners now!))
Posted on: 2015-08-31 07:53:00 UTC

Aaron had been comfortably dozing in his Response Center, enjoying a chance to catch up on his sleep. The jolt of changing forms might not have managed to wake him, but Chakkik's shouting certainly was.

He recognized the smell of death and ozone that clung to his new body instantly.

Aaron liked to think that he wasn't racist against ghouls. After all, they were people just like humans, weren't they? Sure, they were horrifically decayed and would eventually go feral, becoming mindless brutes who were better than Super Mutants only in that they were easier to kill, but it wasn't exactly their fault. That said, the idea of actually becoming one was not an idea he relished. At least, thought his slowly-growing sardonic side, it was better than the alternative.

He couldn't allow his mind to spin purposelessly, though. He had to focus, try to figure out what had happened. The answer to that question, though, was obvious. There was only one thing that could turn a perfectly healthy human, well within the baseline range for mutations, into a shambling monstrosity... err, a being perfectly capable of productive contributions to society, but still rather unfortunately necrotized.

"The Sues," he said hoarsely, to nobody in particular. "They must have bombed HQ. I - I've got to try and find Natasha, maybe she made it out."

((Fun fact about ghouls, for those of you who aren't familiar with Fallout - humans have a chance of becoming one if they somehow survive massive radiation, such as, say, a nuclear bomb going off. So that's what Aaron's assumed has happened to him.

And Aaron is, in fact, mildly prejudiced against ghouls.))

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