Subject: Poor Marquis.
Posted on: 2015-08-31 20:49:00 UTC

(( Allow me to provide some context. Let us assume that Henry was asleep when this all went down, and that therefore he is at home with his mother... ))

Jenni was enjoying her usual morning cup of tea and catching up on a bit of paperwork before she had to wake Henry up to get him ready for school. Sometime during the night she had been assailed with a bizarre electric sensation, as though something were trying to separate her consciousness from her body, but she had fought it and won. This was her body, dammit. She had made it herself, and she wasn't about to let anything kick her out before she was good and ready to leave. As Henry hadn't seemed disturbed at the time, she'd ascribed it to random HQ weirdness and gone back to sleep.

Now, though, she was startled and nearly choked on her tea when an unearthly wail went up from her child. She was up out of her chair and at his bedside in a heartbeat. "Henry?! Sweetie, what's the matter?"

Sweet Powers, was this some sort of seizure? In terror, she caught at his flailing arms and pulled him to her to control the spasms. If she had to, she'd stick her own finger between his teeth to keep him from accidentally biting through his tongue.

"Try to take deep breaths, baby. It'll be okay... I've got you... it'll be okay..."

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