Subject: Xericka stopped mid-message.
Posted on: 2015-09-03 20:41:00 UTC

That is just what she needed: an interruption. Writing a message to the entirety of Headquarters with one's mind while trying to simultaneously block out the waves of panic and anger pulsing from those nearby was, unsurprisingly, rather difficult and time consuming. She had already gone through a few failed attempts.

Show me the message, Xericka thought. There was admittedly a chance this was private correspondence for the Sunflower Official, but given the circumstances it seemed far more likely this was about the body-switching incident.

And indeed, she was correct. Sort of. Who was Sal?

((I'm going to write the actual message in the thread with Kayleigh and the SO. Reactions will be kept here, unless people get sick of that.))

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