Subject: New arrivals.
Posted on: 2011-12-11 04:26:00 UTC

At this point, the doors opened and a small group of people entered the room. The most distinctive one was a tall man with pale purple skin and green hair, who was practically bouncing with glee. "Come on, you lot!" he exclaimed, on noticing two of his companions were hanging back a bit. "If I can get excited about something that doesn't even exist where I come from, you've no excuse."

"You get excited about any reason to have a party, Dayn," was Andrew's only response, while Alyssa and her daemon Kian - still a bit nervous around big groups, after nearly four years in the PPC - just smiled a bit sheepishly.

Dayn shrugged slightly and grinned. "I'd have dragged Faith along, too, but she said something about preferring to spend time with Parjai."

"To be fair, he doesn't generally do parties," pointed out Russell, who was looking a bit more enthusiastic. "And we know what she's like about him." They all chuckled at his understatement; Faith was head-over-heels in love with the clone commando, and took any opportunity to just spend time alone with him.

"Anyway, that ain't the issue," said Kayla, the older of the two women in the group. "Go on, all o' you - party time. Looks like it's been pretty lively as it is already."

Russell and Dayn didn't need any further encouragement, and set off in different directions - Russell headed for the snack table, hoping to get a drink, while Dayn bounced off towards the music and conversation. Andrew hung back a bit more until Kayla gently shoved him at the nearest group of people. "Go. Socialise. At least say hi to people. It's Christmas, even you can relax a bit."

He rolled his eyes, but decided not to argue and approached the people nearby. Kayla, shadowed by Alyssa and Kian, strolled off in another direction, hoping to say hello to a few others.

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