Subject: Re: Looking up at the ceiling
Posted on: 2011-12-12 04:26:00 UTC

*OOC: We accidentally posted at the bottom of the other part of the thread, so I copied the things we had out of order, and put them here in order. End of OOC*

(1st post) Maria: "Miah!" Maria cried in joy as she tackled the other agent. "Merry Christmas, Miah!"

(2nd post) Miah: "Ahgh! Glomped again! Um, I meant--Hi Maria. Merry Christmas to you, too. This party sure is heating up isn't it?"

(3rd post) Maria: "Yeah, it is. It's good to see you again, it's been a while! We've all missed you guys!" Maria got up and helped Miah up as well. "Oh, and I can give you your gift now too!" She reached into a pocket on her coat and pulled out a wig with long, silver, slightly sparkly hair. "This is something I made out of hair Eva dropped on me, Mark, and Cadmar's first mission together." Maria smiled wider and handed it over.

(This post) Miah: "Ooh, shiny!" Miah said, and jammed the wig on her head.

"Sue alert! Sue alert!" Kyle and Kevin shouted in unison before turning their water guns on Miah and by association--Maria.

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