Subject: Orken's mood...
Posted on: 2011-12-10 23:03:00 UTC

...was lightened slightly by Ilraen’s disheveled state. The Andalite was behaving like a fool, and no matter how well he liked this particular Andalite, well, seeing one covered in food and making a fool of itself was certainly amusing. Maybe this party wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“I am doing well enough, Ilraen.” No need to mention the recent bit of unpleasantness and the subsequent crying. “I had hoped to run into you here so I could give you a present. However, you appear to be,” the ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, “busy.”

Thomas choose that moment to make his presence at the food table known. “Dude! You’re the Andalite dude, right? Orken totally got you a…” Orken stomped on his toe. “Ow!”

“Agent Thomas, I would appreciate it if you did not ruin the surprise.”

Thomas grinned. “Dude, you were saying earlier about how the whole surprise thing was silly. Well, I guess that was before I found out you were getting Ilraen a present. It’s so cute you find being friends with an Andalite embarrassing.”

Orken’s face turned red. “Agent Thomas, I would appreciate it if…”

His waved a dismissive hand. “Yeah yeah yeah. I’ll go make myself scarce.” He wandered off in the direction of a group of people singing Christmas Carols.

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