Subject: In a chair in the corner...
Posted on: 2011-12-10 19:53:00 UTC

... Morgan was slumped, staring into a mug.

"So I get killed by a Macrovirus," she explained to anyone who'd listen, "and regenerate into, well, this." She waved a hand vaguely at herself, took a sip of her drink. "Still not used to it. Then a few weeks later Makes-Things comes out of nowhere and tells me he's got an experiment he needs my help in. 'Sure,' I say, 'no problem,' I say. Idiot. He shuts me in this big metal box, and next thing I know, it's yesterday, my TARDIS is screaming at me - sort of, you know what I mean - for being gone so long, and there's a message telling me my parter... partnter... whatever, is dead. Hi there."

She waved to a passing agent, who blinked. "Um, hi," the red-haired woman said.

"She's got a baby, you know," Morgan went on to her now-captive audience. "Had a baby, I guess. He's still alive - lovely little thing. But not Traf." She sighed and stared into her mug. "Apparently I'm a maudlin drunk. What is this stuff, anyway?" She sniffed the drink and nodded. "Ah. Hot chocolate."

"Um, right," her listener said. "I... um, I have to do something." She stood up and walked a few steps away, then started speaking hurriedly into a radio. Morgan shrugged and went back to contemplating her drink.

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