Subject: Didn't you...
Posted on: 2021-05-05 15:14:35 UTC

... literally just release a mission for the Phantom of the Opera and a Murder-Viking? ^_~ (I know, I know...)

The Canon Protection Initiative is a classic example of the end justifying the means. They function in the same moral space as the people who try to use the Dark Side of the Force to fight the Sith, or Unforgivable curses against Death Eaters. Come to think of it, have they stopped using actual Unforgivables yet? I know they were tossed around like magical confetti at one point.

Were it not a point of canon, the PPC as a whole would listen to Galadriel's "in place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen" speech and go "yeah, but she'd be on our side" (Dafydd basically did this). Has there ever been anything which the in-universe PPC has looked at and said "that's not right, we can't use that"? Not 'it does more damage than we want' (blowing up universes), or 'it won't actually help' (torture), but 'that's wrong'?

I honestly can't think of an example.


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