Subject: Ooh, this is where I come in—
Posted on: 2021-05-06 09:30:12 UTC

I believe the "tearing your soul apart" thing is what you're thinking of in regards to the creation of a horcrux—in the Potterverse, the act of murdering someone in general tears your soul, and a horcrux can only be made after you've murdered someone and captured that bit of soul you want to store.

The Killing Curse is one of the Unforgiveables because it cannot be blocked—Harry's situation was so unusual because he was the only person in history to ever survive it (because of Lily's sacrifice and the unusual protection spell it placed on him).

Otherwise, it's a painless way to die, which seems like a pretty alright method of assassination to me. (Though my Agent Ix would still never use it, due to the taboos from her home 'verse...)

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