Subject: Well, Sue-powers.
Posted on: 2021-05-05 16:23:52 UTC

I think the in-universe PPC takes a very dim view of agents behaving like their targets. Witness Sue-tracking anklets, the DIO (formerly), and Legal just waiting to pounce on anyone who seems to have it too good with ironic misfortune. Granted, some things have historically slipped through the cracks, but that just goes to show the PPC isn't perfect, which is good, right? ^_^

And again, I think it's important to distinguish Upstairs from the bulk of agents here. Even if Upstairs only frowns on torture because it's ineffective and inefficient,[citation needed] there are plenty of agents who frown on it because it's wrong. Enough to (usually) keep their more bloodthirsty partners in check when they want to go off the deep end, anyway. The existence of both sorts is more or less explicitly in the service of balance: just enough Evil to be motivated, just enough Good to be safe. Thus the whole operation keeps ticking at peak plot tension efficiency.

Re. Unforgivable Curses, interesting question: while only the bad guys use them in the Potterverse as a narrative device to show who's evil and who isn't, does that necessarily apply outside Harry Potter? Even in-universe, I actually don't recall if the books take a stance that killing is Always Wrong or not, but I don't think so? Mind-control is another matter; that's pretty firmly Always Wrong. Torture, too. But I don't think I've seen agents use Imperio or Crucio; just Avada Kedavra. Correct me if I'm wrong, and it wouldn't surprise me if there's a case or two out there, but this makes sense to me: mind-control is a hallmark of Suvians, and we just covered torture. Most agents ought to be predisposed to avoid those two.

I will admit that Nume has used Avada Kedavra, but then, we already knew he's not very nice. {= P


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