Subject: re: The Floater + 20
Posted on: 2022-04-04 06:16:36 UTC

Yeah, not a lot salvageable here. As hS said, while some of the basic elements would have made for an interesting spin-off, too many of the technical PPC elements just don't mesh with the PPC. The idea of a charged OC pleading parody is hilarious, and I love the term "fanfictiondom," purely because it sounds funny. But most of the rest is trying way too hard. To pick on one thing hS didn't touch on, the idea of Makes-Things having a team of moverbots to help people move objects around, is an example of making up tech that makes things easier, rather than funnier. Any agent with two arms can move things, and we already have portals to minimize travel distance. So I declare that the moverbots all broke after this scene, and they've been in that landfill room getting chomped on by those wind-up teeth ever since. This is canon now.

The one thing I totally want to save from this spin-off is the HQ pharmacy. It makes sense for one to exist, but I'm not sure it's been mentioned before now? It would have to have relationships with both FicPsych and Medical, and feels like it would be especially connected to Medical Research.

—doctorlit is surprised the Marquis ever lived in a plastic pot, but suspects he has something a little sturdier nowadays

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