Subject: I... I feel really bad for saying this, but...
Posted on: 2022-04-05 00:53:54 UTC

This intro piece to the spinoff fills me with dread. I haven't read the second chapter itself, but the intro just regurgitates every negative talking point people have about our community. The tone is snobbish and mean-spirited (the "hormonal overdrive" jab in particular is just garbage) despite having multiple grammatical errors of the kind we normally bung on the charge list. It sets up the spinoff as the Fanfic Police people accuse us of being, and I do not vibe with that.

I get that the early days was a bit of a lawless wasteland, but I'm genuinely confused as to how stuff like this passed muster. This feels more like a parody of the PPC mission statement written by someone who didn't really understand what the PPC was doing. You can feel the smugness dripping off every word like a blob of rancid butter left melting on a radiator. It's not just bad, it's wrong, and wrong in a way that tarnishes the good writing in TOS and other spinoffs.

Sorry to be so negative but this is a style that I am so, so glad the community has moved on from. The PPC is not like this, and should never have been like this, and that it ever was makes me amazed that the community has lasted this long.

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