Subject: I know I'm not supposed to comment on the second chapter, but...
Posted on: 2022-04-05 20:35:46 UTC

I literally cannot tell the agents apart.

I guess I can't say anything (I've been told multiple times that my characters are identical-sounding; the only difference between David Null and all the rest is that he curses), but the lack of dialogue tags, the simularity between the actions (I, at least, try to make my agents act different, but whether I succeed, well, that's up to the readers?), the identical actions against canon characters... ignoring the past opnion, it isn't the best written spinoff. It also feels a lot like "talking heads" scenes. Show me dialogue tags with action attached, at least.

I just hit the bird scene... ugh, by gods. TW animal abuse, animal killing, goreish, bl3?

It seems that they show at the wrong moments, and tell at the funny moments.

Also, again, TAGS. Dialogue tags! They're important! Who speaks using baka? Who hates Sues dating Gandolf? I don't really know. buries head under arms I'm very confused.

TL;DR: Tags aren't used, can't tell the agents apart, I hate the bird scene

(Not trying to be rude. I'm just confused.)


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