Subject: PPC+20: "Vacation at OFUM"
Posted on: 2022-04-08 13:16:36 UTC

How do you know you've made it as a fanficcer here in the early noughts? Big-name fans like Miss Cam graciously allow you to cross over with their stories!

Protectors of the Plot Continuum: Vacation at OFUM, by Jay and Acacia

OFUM is here, in all its glory. What's really interesting is that that appears to be the original upload of OFUM... which means it is younger than the PPC by more than a month (and in fact, only a month old today)! So maybe what I should have said is "How do you know you've made it as a fanficcer? Big-name fans like Jay and Acacia graciously agree to mention your fanfic university!"


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